All Things You Need To Know About Scrum Master Certified Professional
Continuing with what Linda mentions…she recommends to plan and obtain your initial certification and there on subsequent certifications from SCRUMstudyTM, which offers quality course material and SBOKTMguide from which one can learn in depth about the nuances and details related to Agile Scrum. The organizations mentioned by Linda and Robert are very well respected in the world and offer the kind of training which is far more than just a mere certification test. This level of training will definitely carry more weightage with hiring and potential employers or hiring managers.
Over and above choosing certifications partnered with reputed organizations Linda and Robert also recommend following points to consider
- Be choosy and stay abreast with current: one must make sure that certifications which you have achieved actually showcases that you are capable of strategically building up your knowledge base and skills in particular areas rather than just gathering accolades. You definitely do not want to highlight yourself as someone who lacks focus required to specialize in particular areas of work.
- Assist to solidify team community: thorough and detailed training with SCRUMstudy certification tests creates a level of continuity among the team working on a particular project. One must target the organizations he or she wants to work with and find a way to meet a scrum master for an IT person from those organizations. I am sure the information you receive from these reliable sources will assist you to decide which type of training and certifications to pursue from the current market. Additionally you will be making your networking skills robust and strong which is yet another very effective way to achieve a desired position and role and responsibility in an organization.
- Dedication to continuous learning: organizations should notice and sense that you are dedicated to seamless learning when you actually decided to take initiative to obtain agile scrum related certifications. This level of commitment and motivation is a kind of personality trait that organizations like to see in Scrum Masters.
As far as an authorized training partner is concerned with SCRUMstudy, SarvaShikshan® e-Learning is one such institute which provides Scrum master certification in Pune, This institute has both scrum master certification online training or classroom training.
Comparisons of Scrum Master Certifications from Reputed Organizations
As one continues to evaluate the various certifications available in the world market today for Scrum Master along with the organizations issuing these certifications. Primarily 3 to 4 options come to their mind. One such option is the Certified Scrum Master from Scrum Alliance which were the pioneers in providing certifications related to scrum. The other option coming to peoples mind is Professional Scrum Master Certification given by the 3rd certification which has gained popularity in the recent years because of its very well structured and well defined syllabus for scrum master certification accompanied by SBOK guide is Scrum Master Certified from SCRUMstudy the major highlighting points for SCRUMstudy certifications to stand out from others is, it has got proctored online exams monitored by an external faculty which makes it a closed book exam, unlike other 2 certifying bodies above which have open book exams. The 2nd highlighting point is that SCRUMstudy is being backed by IEEE world engineering standards and hence the use of its best practices has now been not restricted to IT industry only but has spread across many other domains like automotive, telecom, product development done at a rapid pace etc.
In short whichever certification you choose to take should be recognized in the current industry today and should have the weightage as required to cover the practical aspects and challenges which various projects come across in their day-today executions. There should such certifications which actually cover the solutions which can be used as part of case studies and corrective actions must be taken accordingly.
To name a few other certifications which can be of value in the world market are PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner).
Several other organizations basically focus on Agile as a whole rather than specifically focusing on Scrum which is considered as the most widely used and effective methodology for Agile. International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile), provides agile certifications that are designed to cover several roles and level of expertise in the agile subset or agile methodologies including scrum. This organization provides various certification levels which is categorically stated as Professional, Expert and Master. Its ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP) certification is gaining popularity among people looking for certifications to add to their resumes and profiles. However the organization is relatively new and not offering many courses involving information directly related to Scrum.
Scaled Agile Academy is primarily concentrating on Agile operations at huge software enterprises and its courses and certifications reflect that focus. It refers to its knowledge base as a Scaled Agile Framework V 4.0 (SAFe) which has been ideally designed for incorporating lean-agile software and systems development at enterprise level and scale.
SarvaShikshan® e-Learning is focusing on 2 certification training, one is scrum master certification training in Puneand the other is PMP. They provide scrum master certification online as well as classroom and similar for PMP
Considerations When One Chooses A Proper Scrum Master Certification
Since it is an open truth about Scrum Master Certifications are known across the world and are directly related to highest paying professions. This has resulted in many arguable groups marketing and promoting themselves by offering to help candidates to attain their certifications at a cost.
The known certifying bodies in the world are aware of the problem and have included some guidelines and comparison information about each to assist people to perform self analysis on which certification to choose from. Following is the list of FAQs which when asked will help you to find out whether it really has the kind of certification you are looking for.
- How long has the certifying body been into existence?
- Is it a organization that puts the interests of practitioners before their own profits.
- Is there a progressive path of continuous learning and development process for both education and certification related?
- Are the authorized training partners geographically available nearby your locations of stay.
- Are these certifications provided recognized by the hiring managers or employers of the companies?
- Till date how many individuals or corporate has the organization certified with their label of certifications?
SarvaShikshan® e-Learningneeds no mention in any blogs or advertisements about they conducting scrum master certification in Pune with classroom andscrum master certification online option.
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